Saturday, January 8, 2011

Vermont Tommorow

I leave tommorow to drive 4 hrs to VCFA. The prep reading and workshop critiqueing was (and is, I'm afraid I still have much to read...oops) intense! The schedule of lectures, workshops, talks, yoga, and grad proceedings looks wonderfully exhausting. Well... back to work...and a little more packing...and a lot more reading!!
Have a question about VCFA or about a Picture Book problem that has been haunting you? Send it along and I will listen for a possible answer or ask your question of the great brains I encounter!!


  1. Wow! Stephanie, how exciting, how frightening, how wonderful:)
    Now, how the heck did you work out leaving the kiddlets?
    I'm envious, I will certainly look forward to living vicariously through your posts about school life.
    Best of luck,

  2. Thanks Christine! My mother-in-law is coming down to help out for three days but mostly my oldest, Jessica and Patrick will keep things in order. ps: the little ones are in school now, so that helps a bit.
    Reason #4002 to find yourself a hard-working, reliable husband!
